Premises Accidents Cause Injuries.

Unsafe conditions may exist in any type of open space or building. Whether it is private land, corporate building, or governmental property.

Unsafe Conditions

Premises liability refers to the responsibility of property owners to provide reasonably secure conditions for all their visitors, workers, customers, etc., and if they fail on doing so they can be held accountable for accidents and injuries that occur on their property. The most common types of premises liability accidents include:

  • Negligence of property owners. This may include security negligence, construction site negligence, and so on. An example is also a property owner who fails in properly marking hazardous spaces. If or do not have enough security guards or security cameras on their premises. If these result in an accident, you may have a right to compensation from them.
  • Slip and fall accidents. These are the most common causes of premises liability accidents. And happen because of the negligent behavior of the ones who are responsible to maintain their property in a safe manner.
  • Animal attacks. These cases are also very common because some attacks may seriously harm your health and some bites may even be the cause of death. Even though there is not always connection to the negligence of an animal owner. But sometimes they can still be responsible if their animal attacks you.

Owner’s Duties

In California, the owner of a property such as a building is required to regularly inspect their premises in order to keep the conditions safe. So, if you get an injury on someone’s property it is crucial to have an experienced premises liability lawyer on your side who will begin the investigation as soon as possible without missing any significant evidence that will help in your claim.

We Can Help

If you happen to face such difficulties, you can be sure that our attorneys will fight passionately for your legal rights against those who fail to comply with their duties. Don’t hesitate to call or text ADVO Law today.