Simple Reminders to Stay Safe During Covid-19

It looks like every doomsday, post-apocalyptic film we’ve ever watched is manifesting itself today in little snippets. We are walking around in gloves and masks, shuddering at the mere sound of a cough, and dreading the nearness of another human being who is any less than a two-yard distance from us. But we can’t be blamed when we take precautions to maintain our health and well-being. That’s why, these simple tips can come in handy at these hard times. Although simple and well-known, they are more memorable when backed by facts.

Keep a Distance

Cold and flu germs spread in the air and pass from person to person through mouth or nose. These droplets are released into the air when one speaks or coughs and can spread out to 6 feet, which is why it is advised to keep a 6 feet distance from others.

Wash Your Hands

Well duh. But handwashing was a scientific discovery that made history when it proved to save lives. Doctors decided to wash their hands before entering a maternity ward after completing an autopsy- and this little act decreased mortality rates. It holds the same power today when we wash our hands to keep our germs from spreading to other people. There might not be a need to state the obvious but there is a need to state the facts.

Avoid Touching Your Face

But my eye is itching. NO! Only touch your eyes, mouth, and nose if your hands are clean. Dr. David Price encourages that we become “hand Nazis” and learn to work on the hand to face connection. The virus is primarily passed when you touch your face after having touched someone or something that has the virus. By touching your face with unwashed hands, you expose your eyes, nose, and mouth to the serious virus and increase your chances of catching it.

Wear a Mask

Who should wear a mask? The World Health Organization suggests that those infected with the Covid-19 virus wear a mask to prevent spreading it to other people and the caregivers at home to wear a mask in order not to catch it from the person they are caring for. Wearing a mask will keep you from inhaling germs caused by speaking or coughing.

Advo is still here to help you, working virtually and continuing to work on your cases so you can have one less thing to worry about. Keep practicing these simple reminders and feel free to contact us with questions or concerns.