How Much Is an Injury Accident Case Worth?

After an injury accident, only money 💸 is the available repayment for the harms and losses. No “eye-for-an-eye” – that’s a good thing! And so, if money 💸 is the only remedy available under the law, how much is your case worth?

Generally, there are two types of harms and losses:

Economic Damagesand Non-Economic Damages

Economic Damages are out-of-pocket costs such as medical bills and vehicle repair costs. Your medical expenses will include your past, present, and future medical bills depending on how much professional care your injuries will need after the car accident. You are also entitled to recover lost wages resulting from missing workdays. These are all examples of economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages are less tangible. The jury is empowered to use their life experiences and judgment to determine the amount of money needed to pay back the injured community member for physical pain and emotional suffering. The loss of enjoyment of life, time and experiences. These intangible damages include, and are not limited to, physical pain, mental suffering, emotional distress, regret, humiliation and depression.

Don’t forget to check out what you are entitled to – we wrote this article on the topic:

So, what is my case worth?

We can answer that question by finding out the estimated jury verdict. We simply ask: What is the likely estimated amount of the jury’s verdict?

In an injury case, the jurors are empowered ⚡️ to decide the amount of money needed to compensate for the harms and losses suffered by the injured plaintiff – a member of their community. Thus, the more harms and losses, the higher the potential jury’s verdict. The greater the potential jury verdict, the more a case is worth. ⚖️

Short Answer: The Jury Decides based on the level of harms and losses.

đź’« Quick Tip 1: Having dash cam footage, witness statements and other investigations will improve the process of determining liability.

💫 Quick Tip 2: Since most of the case’s value is built on the level of the harms and losses, the more evidence you can gather regarding the harms and losses suffered, the better. Remember to document injuries and medical treatment.